Gijs Heerkens

Why choose HTTPS ๐Ÿ”’

Maybe HTTP or HTTPS doesnโ€™t ring a bell with you. HTTPS means HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure and makes sure that data on a website is being exchanged safely.

By using HTTPS the data is being encrypted. So an outsider is not able to intercept anything.

You can see if a website is using it when there is a green little lock in your browser bar, like on this page.

Although HTTPS already exists for some time, nowadays itโ€™s affordable and often easy to install. I recently switched it on on my websites because of the following reasons.


By using a HTTPS-certificate you are handling your visitorsโ€™ data with care. Nobody has any business knowing which pages are being visited or what data is being sent via a form.

Or a shopping basket in a webshop. Basically you are morally obligated to handle visitor data as save as possible.


The green lock in the browser bar shows the visitor you are taking care of safety. This inspires confidence and can contribute to the success of your website.

This effect will only grow because of the increasing popularity of HTTPS and on a given moment the visitor will expect you to use a safe connection.


Furthermore, Google announced that HTTPS now is a ranking signal. So having a secured connection influences your position in the search results.

Secure websites are getting priority. At the moment not that much yet, but youโ€™d better be in early.

If you want HTTPS on your website, I can help you. In that case, please contact me.

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