Gijs Heerkens

Breaking the Mold

In today’s world, the pressure to conform to societal norms can be overwhelming. While some may find comfort in following the crowd and adhering to what is considered “normal,” it’s important to recognize that being “normal” isn’t always the best path to take.

Mainstream institutions have been designed for average people, who are expected to live an average life. They are told to follow a standard track, work the same shitty job, complain about the same mindless politics, and eat the same poisonous diet.

When we focus too much on fitting in and conforming to societal expectations, we may miss out on the opportunity to explore our individuality and pursue our passions.

By embracing our unique qualities, we can unlock our creativity and allow ourselves to be more open to new experiences and opportunities.

Suppressing Our True Selves Can Negatively Impact Mental Health

The pressure to conform to societal norms can have negative effects on our mental health. When we try to suppress our true selves and conform to what is considered “normal,” it can lead to feelings of self-doubt, anxiety, and depression.

On the other hand, embracing our individuality can boost our self-esteem and cultivate a more positive outlook on life.

Being Different Can Lead to Fulfillment

It’s important to remember that being “normal” is not the only path to happiness and success. By breaking away from the mold and embracing our unique qualities, we can unlock our full potential and create a more fulfilling life for ourselves.

Embracing our individuality allows us to celebrate our differences and recognize the value in being our true selves.

In conclusion, while it’s natural to want to fit in and be accepted, it’s important to recognize that being “normal” isn’t always the best path. Embracing our individuality can lead to greater creativity, positive mental health, and fulfillment in life.

By breaking the mold and embracing our unique qualities, we can unlock our full potential and create a more meaningful life for ourselves.




Modern society has programmed us to default to herd mentalities. Mainstream institutions have been designed for average people, who are expected to live an average life. They are told to follow a standard track, work the same sh*tty job, complain about the same mindless politics, and eat the same poisonous diet.

Sure, for much of history, this wasn’t just okay but beneficial. As a hunter gatherer, if you were not normal you were exiled.

But today, normal kills. Today normal means sick, depressed, and domesticated. Normal means you’re a low T male with no purpose in life. Normal is having diabetes as a teenager. Normal is growing up in a single family home. Normal is a recipe for a life of misery.

There is no bigger insult today than being called “normal”.

Being normal = Listening to the masses = BEING AVERAGE

Blindly mimicking what others do has become a recipe for failure. We’re witnessing that before our very own eyes

Do NOT live on other people’s terms. Life is too precious.

Independent thought is your escape valve.

There’s no need to defer to the masses anymore. The gatekeepers have been disassembled. What are you waiting for?

It’s time to break free and take back control. Become independent or die amongst the sheep.

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