Gijs Heerkens

Down the Rabbit Hole 🐰

In the world of conspiracy theories, the term “conspiracy theorist” is often used to discredit those who dare to question the official narrative. But is being a critical thinker and questioning the status quo really a bad thing?

The Power of Critical Thinking

In the movie “The Matrix”, the protagonist Neo is faced with a choice between two pills – the blue pill, which would allow him to continue living in a comfortable but false reality, or the red pill, which would reveal the harsh truth about the world around him. This concept of taking the red pill has become a metaphor for waking up to the reality of the world we live in.

The Rise of the Conspiracy Theorist Label

The term “conspiracy theorist” is often used as a way to dismiss and ridicule those who question the official narrative. However, it is important to remember that some of the greatest moments in history were brought about by people who were considered conspiracy theorists at the time. Galileo, for example, was ridiculed and persecuted for his belief that the Earth revolved around the sun. Martin Luther King Jr. was considered a conspiracy theorist for his belief that the government was spying on him.

Questioning the Status Quo

It’s not just historical figures who have been labeled as conspiracy theorists. In recent years, we have seen the rise of many movements that challenge the official narrative. The 9/11 Truth movement, for example, questions the official account of the 9/11 attacks. The anti-vaccination movement questions the safety of vaccines. The QAnon movement believes in a vast conspiracy involving the world’s elite.

The Need for Critical Thinking in a World of Deception

While it is true that some conspiracy theories are baseless and unfounded, it is also true that some are based on real evidence and deserve to be taken seriously. The problem with dismissing all conspiracy theories as nonsense is that it shuts down critical thinking and discourages people from questioning the status quo. When we dismiss someone as a conspiracy theorist, we are essentially putting them in a corner and refusing to engage with them.

The Importance of Seeking the Truth

The truth is that we live in a world that is full of deception and manipulation. Governments, corporations, and the media all have their own agendas, and they are not always transparent about what those agendas are. It is up to us as individuals to question what we are being told and to do our own research.

Why Being a Conspiracy Theorist is No Longer a Bad Thing

By now, it is clear that we have a problem when we are not conspiracy theorists. If we blindly accept the official narrative without questioning it, we are leaving ourselves vulnerable to being misled and manipulated. We need to be critical thinkers who are willing to question what we are being told and to seek out the truth for ourselves.

Taking the Red Pill: Confronting the Harsh Reality

Taking the red pill means being willing to confront the harsh reality of the world we live in. It means being willing to question the official narrative and to seek out the truth for ourselves. It’s not an easy path to take, but it is a necessary one if we want to be informed and engaged citizens.

The Path to Informed and Engaged Citizenship

In conclusion, taking the red pill means being a critical thinker and being willing to question the status quo. It means being willing to confront the harsh reality of the world we live in and to seek out the truth for ourselves.

The Real Truth Will Reveal Itself in the End

The term “conspiracy theorist” is often used to discredit those who question the official narrative, but we need to remember that some of the greatest moments in history were brought about by people who were considered conspiracy theorists at the time. It is up to us as individuals to question what we are being told and to do our own research. The real truth cannot be denied forever; it will show itself in the end.



In the science fiction movie “The Matrix” the main character Neo was living
an ordinary life as a computer programmer but felt that something was not
right, i.e. there was some essential truth he was missing. He was contacted
by a mysterious internet personality Morpheus, who claimed to know `the truth’.
When Neo finally meets Morpheus in person, Morpheus gives him a choice of
two pills: a red pill to learn the real truth and a blue pill to forget he
ever met Morpheus and to go back to his old life before he knew about him.
Neo chose the red pill and seems to have wild and terrible `hallucinations’
which turn out to be true; it was his original life which was the illusion.

I claim that in these limited aspects this movie illustrates facts about the
nature of reality. There is a real truth to which most people in the world are
oblivious, and the stakes are extremely high in regard to which account
of reality we live by. It is hard and inconvenient to accept the real truth,
but ultimately it leads to a better outcome. The following is a personal account
of this truth, and if you are like Neo you will want to click on the red link below,
but be warned: it will not be an easy ride.

The Red Pill: to learn the real truth, that which lies beyond the matrix of deception.
Swallow the Red Pill

The Blue Pill: to go back to life and “reality” as you know it.
Swallow the Blue Pill

The real truth cannot be denied forever; it will show itself in the end.


rond 30 min

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