Gijs Heerkens

Unfollow life 🙈

How much time do you spend watching your smartphone screen each day? A lot of people underestimate this number. Including myself.

So I decided to install Moment, an app that measures your daily screen time, pick-ups and more. Just to get some insights.

This was al real eye opener. Some days I was staring at my screen for almost 5 hours. That’s 33% of the day if you sleep 9 hours. More than 100 daily pick-ups was normal. It’s an addiction.

The majority of these 5 hours I was checking out what was going on on social media. Nothing important ever happens there. So I read some articles on this topic and came up with my own solution to “kick off”.

Unfollow and mute

All the mayor networks provide good solutions.

On LinkedIn everyone is busy promoting his business. So I unfollowed (unfollow, not disconnect) all my connections and now my timeline is empty. Nothing to see anymore.

So no reason to check it several times a day. If I want to know something about someone, I can still check his profile.

If you don’t check Facebook you don’t really miss anything either. So I unfollowed (unfollow, not unfriend) all my friends and now my timeline is empty. Nothing to see so no reason to login.

And again, if I want to know something about someone I can still check his profile. I’m spying on the important people from time to time of course.

Instagram is the epicenter of attention seeking internet. They recently launched a mute option. So I muted (mute, not unfriend) all my friends and now my timeline is empty. So I’m not checking stories all day anymore.

The only network that gives me valuable info is Twitter. I get a lot of ideas out of it and I discover new things.

But this was slightly turning into a new addiction. Lately I was spending 3+ hours a day reading the timeline, so I decided to unfollow everyone for a while and manually for interesting accounts once a day.

Not having any timeline anymore is bliss.

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