Gijs Heerkens

Master Your Metabolic Measurements πŸ“

While blood tests and looking in the mirror are pretty good methods to determine your metabolic health, there are some alternatives everyone can do once or twice a year. Here are four simple ways to do so.

This article is based mainly on a Twitter thread by P.D. Mangan, worth a follow for everyone interested in optimizing health without BS.

Four simple ways to measure your metabolic health in minutes:

  1. Waist-to-Height Ratio
  2. Ideal Body Weight
  3. Insulin Resistance
  4. Blood Pressure

1. Waist-to-Height Ratio

Waist:height ratioΒ is a simple indicator of your metabolic health. Measure waist at your belly button and divide it by your height.

If the result is below 50% you’re doing fine, otherwise you should start losing body fat.

2. Ideal Body Weight

While the Body Mass Index (BMI) can be a helpful tool, it has its limitations. Instead, try using the Ideal Body Weight (IBW) model for a more accurate assessment.

Keep in mind that if you’re very muscular, your number may be lower than expected.

Below’s an overview of IBW for men and women, using centimeters and kilograms.

3. Insulin Resistance

Cholesterol is a bogus metric to sell more pharmaceuticals. It’s the biggest healthcare scam in history, paid for by Big Food in the seventies.

Though, there are two intriguing figures in your cholesterol numbers that serve as good indicators of insulin sensitivity. The Triglycerides/HDL ratio is a fairly good proxy.

To measure your insulin resistance, look at your Triglycerides/HDL ratio. A ratio over 2 indicates a higher risk, while a ratio under 2 is good and under 1 is optimal.

If your data is in mmol/L, make sure to convert it to mg/DL before calculating the ratio.

4. Blood Pressure

When it comes to blood pressure, you want to be in the normal category. Keep in mind that excess body fat is often a cause of hypertension.

The categories are:

While mainstream medicine categorizes people as having metabolic syndrome if they meet three out of five conditions, the best goal is to meet none of them.

Lifestyle factors are the main drivers of metabolic health, so even with less-than-ideal genetics, most people can improve their metabolic health with a lifestyle that prioritizes health. No matter your starting point or age, you can reclaim your metabolic health in just a few months.

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