Gijs Heerkens

Addition by subtraction ✂️

In Nassim Taleb’s masterpiece Antifragile I learned about the via negativa, the negative way. This originally was a theological term that means improving life by removing things instead of adding. The learning of life is about what to avoid.

Taleb argues that the best way to become antifragile is to first decrease (or avoid preventively) your downside; things, people, actions, habits or systems that make you vulnerable to volatility and risk. Your life becomes more complicated when you keep adding stuff to it and the solution oftentimes is taking things away instead.

Health is absolute the best example of this, in my opinion. The modern default response to fix illnesses is taking medicines. For high blood pressure we take blood pressure medications. We fix bad sleep with sleeping pills. Having a headache? Let’s take some pain killers.

This is all symptom control that doesn’t fix the root cause and comes with side effects, adding new problems. You can fix most health issues by cutting crap from your diet and finding out what causes inflammation in your body. And reducing stress and coffee intake will improve your sleep.

Let me give you some more examples:

If you want to improve your life, do it by taking things away.

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