Gijs Heerkens

The real pandemic 🦠

The rampant spread of COVID-19 has exposed the global public health problem we are facing. I didn’t see a word about this in any government measure yet. And in the media nobody is talking about the big elephant in the room either; the overfat pandemic.

Millions of people die each year from diet-related chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. All of those are related to insulin resistance, chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome, with excess body fat as its primary driver, and mostly preventable with improved diet and body composition.

Turns out that these same issues contribute to Coronavirus risk. Poor metabolic health is the immunity-impairing factor that left so many nutritionally compromised people especially vulnerable to this virus.

It’s no coincidence that elderly people are hit hard as health problems add up over time and have a huge compound effect. Other underlying medical conditions can oftentimes also be attributed to poor health habits.

When we rightly call the thousands of Coronavirus deaths an incalculable loss, we might also start doing that for the millions of people we lose every year due to the overfat pandemic.

Only 12% of adults is metabolically healthy. The rest is overfat, which means having too much body fat due to eating too many calories. This isn’t always visible on the outside, as your personal fat threshold, or how fat you are capable of getting before things go haywire, is genetic.

This is about body composition rather than about body weight. 10% to 15% of body fat is healthy for men and 20% to 24% for women. An increased waist size is a sign of being overfat, as are hypertension and a resting heart rate higher than 60. It is also visible in your blood work in the form of high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol or high blood sugar.

If all of us were lean and fit, a virus wouldn’t have any chance to cause a pandemic. There wouldn’t have been a need for measures with major long term consequences, like a lockdown, to prevent the medical system from collapsing.

It’s disappointing that we refuse to talk about this, or how people consume food, as diet is a far bigger threat for health than COVID in the first place and aids your immune system in the second. The statistics are horrifying, but unlike COVID-19 they happened gradually enough that people just shrugged their shoulders.

The positive side of this virus might be that we all finally wake up and start questioning the nutritional guidelines, eating clean, sleeping more and lifting weights, as these all help to fix the problem. But I highly doubt it 😂.

Health authorities and governments have spent several decades vilifying the foods that keep people healthy, based on corrupt science that Big Food and Big Pharma paid for. Recommendations to consume vegetable oils instead of animal fat and to make carbohydrates the majority of our calories are ludicrous.

Now people are sick and these same authorities are facing the consequences with a gigantic economic crisis coming up. Focusing on whole, nutrient dense foods like our ancestors did, in combination with lifting weights to optimize body composition and prioritizing sleep would have been the best vaccine there is.

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