Gijs Heerkens

Modern supermarkets are full of booby traps 🛒

Walking into a supermarket nowadays is like being in a haunted house full of booby traps. Most people aren’t even aware of this because they are ignorant about nutrition. Don’t forget that the food industry doesn’t care about your health, the only thing they want is to make profit.

If you look around in any grocery, you see almost everything is packaged, mass produced and highly processed. If you read food labels, almost every product contains unrecognizable ingredients. 80% to 90% is highly processed foods that you’d better avoid.

I consider highly processed foods everything that has more than two ingredients, excluding E numbers. E numbers are codes for substances used as food additives for use within the European Union. They are added to improve the properties and shelf life of foods.

What to avoid

Processed crap generally contains three groups of ingredients that you should avoid at all cost:

  1. Vegetable oils like sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil and flaxseed oil. These are highly inflammatory and loaded with Omega 6 fatty acids, which disrupt the balance of Omega 3s to Omega 6s in the body. Vegetable oils become oxidized when heated and develop trans fats that destroy your arteries.
  2. Added sugars, also known as dextrose, fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, maltose and sucrose. They not only rot your teeth, they also leech nutrients from your bones and tissues. Because it’s so poisonous, your body will do anything to get it out of circulation. They interfere with hormone signaling, increase insulin levels and triglyceride production in the liver and trigger fat cells to wake up and start making fat from sugar in the blood stream.
  3. Refined carbs like white bread, white pasta and white flour. These products are devoid of fiber, full of empty calories and make you blood sugar and insuline levels spike quickly.

These three groups provoke insulin resistance, the root cause of all modern lifestyle diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes type 2 and obesitas. So read labels and if these are in the ingredients list, don’t buy the product.

Product categories

So finding high quality foods in supermarkets is a hassle. I read a funny Spanish book about it; El jamón de York no existe (York ham doesn’t exist).

Words like “home made”, “rustic”, “original recipe” and labels like “healthy”, “bio”, “vegan” or “light” are all marketing terms and make it even harder to find out what’s good and bad.

The food industry knows the legislation by heart and uses it to market products.

It takes a lot of time and resources to eat well. Unfortunately, most people prefer comfort over health. So I made it easy for you; I made a list of foods and what you should pay attention for. The book was my main source for it.

Key takeaways

  • I think your health is the last thing to save money on so groceries are the last thing to save money on. Better cut on leisure, housing or transport if you have to save.
  • A specialist like a butcher or bakery in general has higher quality foods than a supermarket.
  • Always read labels and apply what you just have learned.
  • Eat as less processed foods as possible (2+ ingredients). Buy whole foods.
  • Eating out means processed foods by the way, so don’t make it a habit.
  • Do your research if you’re interested in health like I just did for you.
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