Gijs Heerkens

Blood work for men 🩸

Although you can largely predict blood test results by literally looking in the mirror naked, part of taking care of yourself is getting regular blood work done and knowing how to interpret the results.

Medical doctors generally will inform you that you are “satisfactory” when you have your blood levels checked.

You will probably fall within a certain range on the lab test and they simply go with those lab test results.

No sense risking a hard-earned medical license thinking outside the box. No sense wasting time and money explaining the principle of health optimization.

But the range numbers are based on micronutrient-starved, under-exercised, indoor-dwelling, poorly-postured population averages (© Anthony G. Jay, 2022).

So you are better off doing some investigations yourself about the optimum levels of the blood panel below. That’s what I did.

The most important tests for men health are:

You can argue to also test for other micronutrients but if you have your diet and supplements in check I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

I do get these test once a year to keep my health in check. It’s not that expensive.


Total testosterone

Free testosterone

Testosterone and estrogen are both steroids because they are both built from cholesterol in your body.

Amazingly, research into facial skull bones indicates that human testosterone levels have been steadily declining for thousands of years.4 Researchers call this phenomenon “craniofacial feminization” meaning lower testosterone levels lead to a more “feminine” facial skull bone shape. This means, essentially, a rounder and less-bony face.

Middle-aged men are currently around 400ng/dL and middle-aged women these days are around 20ng/dL.

I personally believe healthy middle-aged individuals should generally be doubling these testosterone numbers: that would be a target number of 800ng/dL for men (total testosterone)

And why should you aim on the “high” end of the range? Well, first of all, most people feel more alive at the high end of the scale. Plus, we are just so abysmally low compared to our ancestors that I believe it’s unhealthy. These are the same ancestors who were physically much healthier in many ways than we are today, as Paleo researchers will tell you (stronger bones, teeth, etc.).

medical doctors generally will inform you that you are “satisfactory” when you have your testosterone checked. You will probably fall within a certain range on the lab test and they simply go with those lab test results. No sense risking a hard-earned medical license thinking outside the box. No sense wasting time and money explaining the principle of health optimization.

Like our vitamin D numbers, our current testosterone-range numbers are based on micronutrient-starved, under-exercised, indoor-dwelling, poorly-postured Americans.

Definitely check your testosterone in the morning.

The word is finally starting to get out that we are appallingly low on testosterone and the upper end of the testosterone range is much healthier, for males or females.


Vitamine D


Lipid panel

HDL / Triglycerides ratio


Blood Work for Men

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