Gijs Heerkens

Higher standards 🏆

My peers sometimes tell me that I’m obsessed with the things I’m doing, like if that’s something bad. Actually, I think obsession is required if you really want to achieve your goals.

It’s important to remember that no one cares as much about your goals as you do yourself.

If you do what everybody else is doing, you will be mediocre like everybody else. If you want to be outstanding in something, you have to put in more work than others. That’s when obsession comes into place.

This all pays off because of compound interest, a poorly known but critical concept for success, considered “The eight wonder of the world” by Einstein himself. You need habits for that, for habits you need discipline and for discipline you need obsession.

At least, that’s how see it, which might be due to my highly conscientious personality. To make it all manageable, I try to have two, max three obsessions at a time.

On the other hand, moderation is the path to mediocrity and failure. People use moderation as an excuse to be mediocre and to not be disciplined, often due to cognitive dissonance and the empathy gap. No one in the top 5% of any given field ever came there without some degree of obsession, though.

So that’s why I’m obsessed with my goals until I get where I want to be. After that, it’s perfectly okay to loosen up a bit, but the play always comes after the work.

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